You are in the right place! Wasatch Behavioral Health is a comprehensive community behavioral health center offering an array of programs and services for children, teens, and adults in both Utah and Wasatch Counties. We would love to help you if you have any questions regarding mental health or substance use disorder services provided by Wasatch Behavioral Health.
Please contact Marilyn Hansen
(see information provided below)
Main Contact: Marilyn Hansen
(preferred method)
Phone: (801) 852 – 3777
A public comprehensive behavioral health center providing a variety of services designed to meet the needs of children, youth, adults, and their families.
750 North Freedom Blvd.
Provo, Utah 84601
Utah County Phone:
(801) 373-4760
Wasatch County Phone:
(435) 654 – 3003
Main Administration Hours:
Mon-Fri 8:00AM – 5:00PM