COVID-19 Information

Wasatch Behavioral Health is open for business for either in person or tele-health services. If you have questions about your treatment, call the clinic you usually attend or call our main number at 801-373-4760 for more information.

Feeling anxiety and stress over the COVID-19 Outbreak?

Those feelings are very normal right now. Here are some ideas for coping with stress.

If your feelings are becoming intense, to the point where you are experiencing a crisis situation or thinking about hurting yourself, please call the Utah State CrisisLine at:

(800) 273-TALK (8255)

Information for our Clients and Community Regarding the Coronavirus

At Wasatch Behavioral Health, we are seriously concerned about the health of our staff,  clients, and the general public. We are taking continued measures aimed at providing maximum safety for our staff and those we work with while also maintaining our commitment to provide services for our community.

Our Buildings and Maintenance staff have been charged with additional cleaning and disinfecting measures at this time.

Everyone entering the building is encouraged to practice good hand sanitation, wash your hands when entering and leaving the building. Hand Sanitizer will be available thru-out our buildings.

In order to protect everyone, please stay home if you are feeling ill and have any of the following symptoms:

    • fever
    • cough
    • shortness of breath
    • and recent close contact with a COVID-19 patient or recent travel to an area where COVID-19 is active, then:

If your symptoms are mild, please stay home to protect others from illness and follow the CDC’s recommended guidance for self-care. 

Have cold symptoms and you're not sure if you should be tested?

Call the Utah County Health Department HOTLINE and they will tell you what you should do:  844-442-5224.

For the most up-to-date information about the novel coronavirus, check the following websites:

Intermountain Healthcare

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

World Health Organization (WHO)

Utah Government Site

Utah County Health Dept Hotline (844) 442-5224
Emotional Health Relief Hotline (833) 442-2211