Wasatch Behavioral Health is not responsible for the information on these 3rd party websites. The links are provided as a service for those seeking information about a variety of mental health/substance abuse and related topics.
Assisted Living Options for People With Disabilities
Assisted Living is a community organization that prioritizes helping those who are disabled and the elderly fully enjoy their healthy years and age gracefully. Assisted Living creates and publishes comprehensive, unbiased, free web-based resources with a goal to find the best possible care for those who need assisted living.
The Autism Society has launched a new brand developed with the Autism community, representing the diverse experiences and needs across the Autism spectrum. The brand was created in an inclusive process that ensures accessibility standards for those seeking connection to resources, support and community.
“No matter how you engage with the Autism Society, we want you to feel welcome, included and connected to the resources, support and community you are looking for,”
Transitioning to Adulthood
We received an email from a mother who had been looking up resources for her special needs child transitioning to adulthood. She sent us a list of resources that she found to be helpful along with the links to share with you. Her list has been modified slightly as one link was no longer active.
Renters Rights for People with Disabilities
Guide to Remodeling a Home for Adults with Special Needs
Vocational Training For Adults with Special Needs
Thank you, Christy, for sharing this information. Hopefully it will be helpful for others and save them some time!
Child Abuse
Breaking the cycle of child abuse through training, education, and public awareness. Prevent Child Abuse has programs/training that can be scheduled for your school, group, or organization.
Childhood Trauma
For Parents and Caregivers:
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
The more you learn about how traumatic events affect children, the more you will understand the reasons for your kids' behaviors, and emotions, and the better prepared you will be to help them cope.
For Educators:
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Find information and toolkits for educators to help with problems, such as:
- Child Trauma
- Bullying and Cyber Bullying
- Psychological First Aid
- Schools and Trauma
National Runaway Safeline
The National Runaway Safeline offers a crisis hotline and online services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to youth at risk of running away, those who have run away or are homeless, and their families
A Journey Toward Health and Hope: Your Handbook for Recovery After a Suicide Attempt
Download SAMHSA's free guide to recovery following a suicide attempt.
Guides people through the first steps toward recovery and a hopeful future after a suicide attempt. Includes personal stories from survivors who share their experiences as well as strategies, such as re-establishing connections and finding a counselor to work with.
Hope4Utah is a Utah program dedicated to reducing the suicide rate in our state. Find information and resources related to suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.
Substance Abuse Resources and Information
Guide to Heroin Addiction This guide combines current research to provide you with a complete explanation of the dangers, effects, and trends of heroin use in today’s society by compiling information from 8 government and international agencies, 14 scientific studies, and 8 news and print sources.
Knowing the options for heroin rehab and what therapies have worked for others can help you understand what to look for in your treatment program, which gives you the best chance to get and stay clean. This guide compiles information from a variety of sources to give you a holistic understanding of how to get help overcoming your (or your loved one’s) addiction to heroin.
Deciding on a rehab program can be overwhelming due to the number of treatment options and the sometimes less-than-helpful information that is out there. Help.org created a practical step-by-step guide to understanding your options and choosing the right rehab program for your unique situation.
Going to rehab is a huge investment – some rehabs cost over $20,000 a month. It’s important to choose carefully, but the sheer number of rehab choices can make finding the best option challenging. In fact, the 2020 N-SATS indicates that there are 16,000 rehab facilities across the country. To help you identify the best facilities in your state, Help.org has determined which rehabs offering payment assistance were likely to be the best choice for the most people.
Children's Service Society of Utah