
What are the symptoms of mental illness in children?

Marilyn HansenArticles

What are the symptoms of mental illness in children? WebMD Symptoms of mental illness in children may vary depending on the specific mental illness and the child. However, some general signs of mental illness are: Changes in school performance, such as poor grades despite good efforts Abuse of drugs and/or alcohol Inability to cope with daily problems and activities Changes …


What Causes Mental Illness in Children?

Marilyn HansenArticles

Causes of Mental Illness in Children (WebMD) The exact cause of most mental illnesses is not known, but research suggests that a combination of the following factors may be involved. Heredity (genetics): Mental illness tends to run in families, which means the likelihood to develop a mental disorder may be passed on from parents to their children. Biology: Some mental …


Confronting Opioid Abuse in Utah (KBYU)

Marilyn HansenArticles

WMH 50 Year Logo

Wasatch Mental Health – A Success Story 50 Years in the Making!

Marilyn HansenArticles

Wasatch Mental Health: a success story 50 years in the making  (WMH State of the Center 2018) by Juergen Korbanka, Ph.D. and WMH Executive Director Our “50 Years of Service” anniversary has many of us reminiscing about WMH then and now. A stroll down memory lane illustrates the dramatic growth of our organization and reflects the growth of the county …

Brain Picture Prep

First Episode Psychosis (FEP) Teams at WMH!

Marilyn HansenArticles

Submitted by: Craig Limb, LCSW (PREP Team Therapist Supervisor) Wasatch Mental Health hosts one of three First Episode Psychosis (FEP) teams in Utah. Weber Human Services and Davis Behavioral Health also have treatment teams to support individuals between the ages of 15 and 26 who are experiencing their first episode of psychosis. We have unified together in training and support …

WMH Giving Tuesday

Everyone deserves a good night’s sleep! #GivingSnoozDay November 28

Marilyn HansenArticles

Everyone Deserves a Good Night’s Sleep! #GivingTuesday November 28, 2017 November has Thanksgiving followed by two of the major shopping events of the year- Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Following those days, #GivingTuesday was started several years ago as a day to give back and to start off the charitable giving normally seen during the holiday season. This year, the …

A Letter from Marty

Some thoughts from Marty on our 50th Anniversary

Marilyn HansenArticles

Memories…for our 50th Anniversary Celebration As part of our 50th Anniversary Celebration, we invited many of our retirees and others who have worked at Wasatch Mental Health to share their memories and help with developing a history of the center. Marty Matheson, LCSW (Executive Director of ScenicView) has a long history with WMH and shares some of his thoughts and …