Sub for Santa Program
It’s Christmas time and that means that the WMH staff are helping Santa by providing Christmas gifts to over 240 adult clients who likely would not be getting gifts otherwise. Over the past few years, it has been exciting to see increasing community and support for our Sub for Santa program!

This program grows a bit every year and wouldn’t be possible without:
- Staff who contribute both their time, donation of personal care items, and fulfilling a client wish list themselves.
- 3 Young men who completed Eagle Scout projects to add to the program this year (and everyone that helped them).
- United Way for finding sponsors for so many of our clients thru their Sub for Santa program.
- Advisory Board members and people in the community who donate to the program and sponsor clients.
- All the other people who add to and make this program possible
- and lastly, but MOST importantly, Jennie R for coordinating this wonderful program again this year!
Great big Thank You to all of the above (and anyone else that I might have inadvertently forgot to mention).