Meet a friend, go to a meeting, or just head out to the supermarket and you will likely see people wearing all sorts of fitness monitors on their wrist. Most tell you how many steps you have taken, and others tell you your heart rate and how well you slept the previous night. Some can even measure your stress!
There is a large amount of evidence showing that increasing exercise and physical activity is one of the most effective ways to improve your mental health. Regular exercise can have a positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts overall mood. And you don’t have to be a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits. Wearable tracking devices can gently prod you to work toward your fitness goals, encourage you along the way, and praise you when you get there.
And, we all know how lack of sleep can impact our mood. A fitness tracker can help you keep track of how much you are moving and how well you are sleeping. By having a record of how much you move about during sleep you can see if there is a pattern to your sleep habits related to things you might control (foods or drinks prior to going to bed, time you go to bed, time you wake, how much activity you do that day, etc). By seeing the pattern, you might be able to see what does or does not contribute to a good night’s sleep.
The “accountability factor” may help with both tracking physical activity and tracking sleep. If you go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep, you’ll be rewarded by good numbers on your smartphone. Give it a try, as healthy sleep is certainly tied to happy moods. If your moods concern you, check them out at How Are You Feeling?