
If you are looking for a new career or have a question about job openings, you have come to the right place. Please see our current job positions found here. 

To contact our HR department, please call: (801) 852-4710

750 N Freedom Blvd. 
Suite 300 – Administration
Provo, UT 84601

To volunteering at WBH, please go to our volunteer web page found here:

Volunteer Coordinator:
phone: (801) 852-4704

Who should I contact to get a copy of my records or ask questions?

What do I need to do to get a copy of my records?

  • Fill out an Authorization Form and either email, fax or return in person to any Wasatch Behavioral Health office.

What are the fees for obtaining copies of my records?

  • Client (or parent/guardian) requests – $5.00 deposit submitted with an authorization form, then $.25 per page copying fee paid at time information is picked up (initial deposit may be more depending upon amount of information requesting).
  • Attorney/Record Retrieval Companies – $21.00 research fee, then $.53 per page for the first 40 pages then $0.32 for each page after 40 pages. Expedite fee is $25.00, separate from other charges. *WBH payment agreement must be signed prior to processing records request.
  • Other Treatment Providers – no charge

For community relations, media, or news inquiries, please contact Marilyn Hansen at: 
Phone: (801) 852-3777

For quickest response, email is preferred. 

Wasatch Behavioral Health is available to help answer your billing questions. Please give us a call at the number that corresponds with the county you received care in.

Utah County Main Number: (801) 373-4760

Wasatch County Main Number: (435) 654 – 3003

If you would like to contact us, please email us at:
Please allow up to 10 days for a response through email. 

Phone: (801) 373- 4760

750 N. Freedom Blvd. 
Suite 300
Provo, UT 84601

To see the HIPAA Privacy brochure, click link below:

For English

For Spanish

Family Clinics - Outpatient Therapy

American Fork Family Clinic
578 E 300 S
American Fork, UT 84003
Phone: (801) 763 - 5010
Payson Family Clinic
285 N 1250 E
Payson, UT 84651
Phone: (801) 852 - 3805
Provo Family Clinic
Provo Family Clinic
1165 E 300 N
Provo, UT 84606
Phone: (801) 377 - 1213
Westpark Building
Westpark Family Clinic (In Provo)
750 N. Freedom Blvd.
Provo, UT 84601
Phone: (801) 373 - 9656
Wasatch County Family Clinic (Heber City)
55 S 500 E
Heber, UT 84032
Phone: (435) 654 - 3003
Eagle Mountain Family Clinic
3688 E. Campus Drive
Suite 130
Eagle Mountain, UT 84005
Phone: (385) 268 - 6780

Crisis Services

The 988 Lifeline is for everyone. Through the 988 Lifeline, you have access to free, quality, one-on-one assistance. Our skilled, judgment-free counselors are here to provide compassionate support. You deserve to feel heard and cared about anytime, anywhere, 24/7/365.

Call or Text 988 for help or chat online on their website.

The Crisis Residential Support (CRS) is a stabilization program that helps those with Medicaid avoid higher levels of care and be able to remain in a community based placement. Clients can stay for up to a week to help with structure and to be linked to other programs to help with longer term treatment to aid with further stabilization.

Phone: (801) 852 – 4510 

157 E 300 N
Provo, UT 84606

Crisis Webpage

CY FAST is the Children, Youth & Family Assessment Stabilization Team at Wasatch Behavioral Health. Their goal is to promote wellness mentally, emotionally, and physically through individual, family, and group therapy. Services include: mobile outreach, respite, group therapy, and overseeing Medicaid hospitilazations.

1185 E 300 N
Provo, UT 84606

Phone: (801) 852 – 2131

Crisis Webpage

Info. Coming Soon.

The WBH Receiving & Outreach Center (ROC) provides crisis mental health services to adults in Utah and Wasatch Counties. Our goal is to provide immediate access to mental health evaluations and consultations to the people in our community.

We partner closely with local law enforcement and can provide Mobile Crisis Outreach (MCOT) services when needed.

The Receiving & Outreach Center is staffed with master-level therapists and peer support specialists round the clock who are trained to respond to suicide and other crisis mental health issues. Adults may stay at the WBH Receiving Center for up to 24 hours while youth may be referred to Vantage Point (when appropriate) master-level.

Click Here for Crisis Services Webpage

Phone: (801) 852 -2131

Receiving & Outreach Center (ROC) Building
1175 East 300 North
Provo, UT 84606

Vantage Point is a short-term (48 hours, may be extended for homeless youth) voluntary facility where youth ages 12-17 (10 -11-year-olds under certain circumstances) can come for a safe place. When youth are runaways, having conflict at home, high-risk, homeless, etc., they can find refuge at Vantage Point. There is no direct cost to the consumer for the services for the first 2 nights, and no insurance is necessary. Staff have passed background checks, and there is always at least one male and one female on staff at all times. Case managers and therapists are available to discuss options and provide necessary resources to both teens and parents. We now have two Vantage Point facilities to better serve the families in our community–the original Vantage Point in Provo and Vantage Point North in American Fork.

Phone: (801) 373-2215

1189 E 300 N
Provo, UT 84606

Click for Vantage Point Webpage

Vantage Point North is a short-term (48 hours, may be extended for homeless youth) voluntary facility where youth ages 12-17 (10, 11-year-olds under certain circumstances) can come for a safe place. When youth are runaways, having conflict at home, high-risk, homeless, etc., they can find refuge at Vantage Point North. There are no direct costs for the first two nights to the consumer for the services, and no insurance is necessary. Staff have passed background checks, and there is always at least one male and one female on staff at all times. Case managers and therapists are available to discuss options and provide necessary resources to both teens and parents. We now have two Vantage Point facilities to better serve the families in our community–the original Vantage Point in Provo and Vantage Point North in American Fork.

Phone: (385) 268-5090

947 N 880 E
American Fork, UT 84003

Vantage Point North Webpage

Adults - Substance Use Disorder Services

Wasatch Behavioral Health Substance Use Disorder Division is here for you. Please give us a call at the number that corresponds with the county you received care in.

Phone: (385) 268 – 5000

255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058

Monday – Thursday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

8:00 am to 3:00 pm

In our Addiction Medication Clinic individuals undergo a thorough assessment by our addictionologist (a board-certified physician). This process helps the physician determine the appropriate course of medication to be used for treatment. Our addictionologist combines FDA-approved medications with various behavioral therapies for addiction treatment. This combination has proven effective for the comprehensive treatment of certain substance use disorders. It allows for the simultaneous pharmacological management of some of the physical symptoms associated with substance use (or substance withdrawal), as well as behavioral therapeutic interventions for related psychological, mental, and emotional issues.

MAT Webpage

Phone: (385) 268- 5000

Location: Various locations, but a central address is:
255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058

Click Here for Criminal Justice Webpage

There is a variety of programs that we operate in conjunction with the correctional & court system. These programs include:
– 90 Day On Unit Treatment (OUT) program at the Utah County Jail
– Jail Transition Program
– Adult Drug Court
– Family Dependency Drug Court
– Utah County Alternative Probation (UCAP)
– Parole Access to Recovery (PATR)

Phone: (385) 268- 5050

255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058

Click Here for COR Webpage

COR provides methadone (a Medication- Treatment method to block the narcotic effects of all opioids and reduce opioid cravings & withdrawal symptoms) dispensing for WBH clients.

Our family clinics operate similar to a medical office and offer many services to meet the needs of children, youth, adults, and families who are experiencing behavioral health issues.

Services include: 

  • Individual/Group/Family Therapy
  • Case Management
  • Medication Management
  • Nursing Services
  • Peer Support
  • Psychological Testing
  • Skills Development & Behavior Management
  • Specialized groups such as Domestic Violence treatment, Parenting Skills, Anger Management, and many more.

Click Here for Family Clinics Webpage

In Utah County:
750 N. Freedom Blvd.
Provo, UT 84601
Main Number: (801) 373-4760

In Wasatch County:
55 S. 500 E.
Heber, UT 84032
Main Number: (435) 654-3003

Phone: (385) 268 – 5070

3281 N. Main Street
Spanish Fork, Utah 84660

Foothill Webpage

Foothill Treatment Residential Center is a residential facility which offers co-ed treatment, as well as separate gender groups to address their unique treatment needs. Detoxification treatment and self-help groups are provided in a live-in, safe environment.

Phone: (385) 268-5000

255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058

Click Here for the Intakes & Assessments (SUD) Webpage

Utah County Individuals accessing any Wasatch Behavioral Health-funded substance use treatment service must complete an intake assessment at the Utah County Health and Justice Building. Assessments for treatment services for adults are on a walk-in first-come-first-served basis. We do not schedule appointments for assessments for adults.

Phone: (801) 852-3320

Intensive Residential Treatment (IRT) offers adult residential care and treatment to help individuals with chronic mental illnesses by providing resources, services, and opportunities as an alternative to hospitalization.

Medications for Addiction treatment (MAT) is the use of medications and should be used in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies for the treatment of substance use disorders. MAT provides a “whole-patient” approach to treat addiction. MAT can help to reestablish normal brain function, reduce substance cravings and prevent relapse. The longer in treatment, the more the individual will be able to manage their dependency and move toward recovery.

Phone: (385) 268-5024

255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, UT 84058

MAT Webpage

Phone: (385) 268- 5042

255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058

Men’s Outpatient Webpage

Men’s Outpatient services include individual and group therapies, skills development, and case management services for practical problems of sober living.
General Outpatient treatment is 1 to 8 hours per week.
Intensive Outpatient treatment is 9-20 hours per week. We use a variety of curricula, including: Seeking Safety, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Smoking Cessation classes and Connections

Phone: (385) 268- 5080

290 E. 930 S.
Orem, Utah 84058

Promise Program Webpage

The “Women of Promise” Program addresses specific needs such as childcare, primary healthcare, transportation, housing, education, and employment, along with gender-specific treatment. Research shows that women with children do better in treatment if they bring their children with them.

Phone: (385) 268-5041

255 South Orem Blvd. 
Orem, Utah 84058

UA Webpage

The focus of the Wasatch Behavioral Health UA Lab (Urinalysis) is to assist you as you progress through your individualized Recovery Plan. At the lab, we perform drug screening primarily through an immunoassay technique.

Phone: (801) 852-3779

299 E. 900 S.
Provo, Utah 84606

WATCH Webpage

The WATCH program is an outreach and treatment program for individuals who are homeless and have a serious mental illness. The WATCH program is co-located with the Food and Care Coalition to provide convenient access to a wide variety of services for the homeless population of Utah County.

Phone: (385) 268 – 5042

255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058

Youth Outpatient Webpage

Provides outpatient services to help prevent and reduce harmful effects of substance use among the youth in Utah County.

The Youth Outpatient Program provides services to those ages 14-18 and still in high school.

The Young Adult Program (YAP) provides services to those ages 18+ and out of high school.

Phone: (801) 852-1448

various Family Clinics

Maternal Mental Health Webpage

Maternal mental health encompasses the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of individuals during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. This time of life is often filled with profound changes, both physically and emotionally, and while it can be a joyful experience, it can also bring challenges that impact mental health.

Conditions such as perinatal depression, anxiety, postpartum psychosis, and trauma-related disorders are among the most common complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Unfortunately, these conditions often go undiagnosed or untreated due to stigma, lack of awareness, or limited access to care.

Children, Youth & Families - Mental Health Services

Phone: (801) 852-2138

371 S Vineyard Rd. 
Orem, UT 84058

Aspire Webpage

Aspire Academy is a “High Needs Mental Health Program” for adolescent females ages 12-17. Most of our clients are in DHS/DCFS/JJS custody of the State of Utah who require intensive psychiatric, behavioral, medical, and other structured rehabilitative interventions as well as continuous monitoring.

Phone: (801) 852-2131

1185 E 300 N
Provo, UT 84606

CY FAST Webpage

CY FAST is the Children, Youth & Family Assessment Stabilization Team at Wasatch Behavioral Health. Services include: mobile outreach, respite, group therapy, and overseeing Medicaid hospitalizations. CY-FAST includes therapists, case managers, peer support, respite workers, and a care team assistant.

Phone: (801) 226-5437

Multiple Locations: See web page

GIANT Steps Webpage

GIANT Steps is a day-treatment program for preschool-aged children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder either before or at the time of assessment. Our unit has six classrooms with a capacity of 12 children, serving a total of 72 preschoolers and their families (Medicaid & non-Medicaid). We have partnerships with the Alpine, Nebo, and Provo School Districts to provide Special Education services for our students. This relationship allows us to run our program in a typical school environment.

Our family clinics operate similar to a medical office and offer many services to meet the needs of children, youth, adults, and families who are experiencing behavioral health issues.

Services include: 

  • Individual/Group/Family Therapy
  • Case Management
  • Medication Management
  • Nursing Services
  • Peer Support
  • Psychological Testing
  • Skills Development & Behavior Management
  • Specialized groups such as Domestic Violence treatment, Parenting Skills, Anger Management, and many more.
  • Maternal Mental Health Services

Family Clinics Webpage

In Utah County:
750 N. Freedom Blvd.
Provo, UT 84601
Main Number: (801) 373-4760

In Wasatch County:
55 S. 500 E.
Heber, UT 84032
Main Number: (435) 654-3003

Phone: (801) 375-9226

New Vista Webpage

New Vista offers both day treatment and outpatient services to youth with a traumatic history. Typical traumatic events include physical/sexual/emotional abuse, neglect, adoption issues, domestic violence, and family separation. When unaddressed, these issues can come out in the form of unhealthy/illegal/dangerous behaviors. We attempt to address the underlying trauma.

The Parkview Building is not a WBH program, but is the name of the building (and campus) where many of our WBH programs are held. 

Phone: (801) 373 – 4765

1161 E 300 N
Provo, UT 84606

Phone: (801) 960 – 1625

Various Locations: See the webpage

School Based Services are offered in 90+ schools in the Alpine, Nebo and Provo School Districts in Utah County and Wasatch County. There are two types of programs offered in School Based Services:

(1) Site-Based (Special Education classes)

(2) Onsite services in high-risk population schools.

Strengthening Families is an evidence-based program for families to learn communication and relationship skills. There are sessions throughout the year, and each session is 1-day per week for 10 weeks (oftentimes in the evening). Dinner is provided at each session. The ages of children/youth are ages 5 – 18.

Strengthening Families Webpage

Phone: (435) 654 – 3003

Located in Heber & American Fork (see webpage)

Phone: (801) 319-1142

1165 E 300 N
Provo, UT 84606

Stride Webpage

The mission of the Stride Program is to provide useful strategies for children and their families who are experiencing social, emotional, and behavioral problems due to mental illness and emotional challenges.

The program provides a safe, structured, nurturing, challenging, and engaging environment (1) where children can develop the necessary strategies to feel accepted, confident, and successful at home, school, and in the community.

Phone: (385) 268-5090

947 N 880 E
American Fork, UT 84003

Vantage Point North Website

Vantage Point is a short term (48 hours, may be extended for homeless youth); voluntary facility where youth ages 12-17 (10, 11 year olds under certain circumstances) can come for a safe place. When youth are runaways, having conflict at home, high-risk, homeless, etc., they can find refuge at Vantage Point. We now have two Vantage Point facilities to better serve the families in our community–the original Vantage Point in Provo and Vantage Point North in American Fork.

Phone: (801) 373-2215

1189 E 300 N
Provo, UT 84606

Vantage Point Provo Webpage

Vantage Point is a short term (48 hours, may be extended for homeless youth); voluntary facility where youth ages 12-17 (10, 11 year olds under certain circumstances) can come for a safe place. When youth are runaways, having conflict at home, high-risk, homeless, etc., they can find refuge at Vantage Point.

Phone: (801) 319-1142

Provo Family Clinic
1165 E 300 N
Provo, UT 84606

XCEL Webpage

The Xcel Program provides a high quality afterschool program for adolescents with mental health disorders, behavior problems, and delays in social and daily living skills. The curriculum will be based on the specific needs of the group participants and will include such skills as: anger management, stress management, emotional coping, problem solving, social interaction and getting along with others.

Adults - Mental Health Services

Bridge serves adults (18 years old+) who have been diagnosed with a “serious mental illness”, mostly individuals with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, and/or bi-polar disorder

Bridge Website

Phone: (801) 960 – 1667

580 East 600 South
Provo, UT 84606

Our family clinics operate similar to a medical office and offer many services to meet the needs of children, youth, adults, and families who are experiencing behavioral health issues.

Services include: 

  • Individual/Group/Family Therapy
  • Case Management
  • Medication Management
  • Nursing Services
  • Peer Support
  • Psychological Testing
  • Skills Development & Behavior Management
  • Specialized groups such as Domestic Violence treatment, Parenting Skills, Anger Management, and many more.

Family Clinics Webpage

In Utah County:
750 N. Freedom Blvd.
Provo, UT 84601
Main Number: (801) 373-4760

In Wasatch County:
55 S. 500 E.
Heber, UT 84032
Main Number: (435) 654-3003

The Jail Transition Program (JTP) was created in 2016 to provide care for inmates in Utah County returning to society after incarceration. The JTP filled a gap in services in our community to address the high recidivism rate for individuals involved in the criminal justice system. Funding from the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI) provided the means to expand our jail services and address the mental health needs of these individuals and enable them to make a successful transition from jail back into the community.

JTP Website

Phone: (801) 852 – 3779

Multiple Locations:
Food & Care Coalition
299 East 900 South
Provo, UT 84606

Medical Services are an important part of mental health treatment. Stabilizing symptoms through medication management can help individuals experience a better qualify of life and increased independence to aid in their journey towards recovery

Medical Services Webpage

Phone: (801) 373 – 4760

Multiple Locations

Mountain Peaks Counseling is a program of WBH for individuals with private insurance (NOT on Medicaid) or for those who would like to pay cash. Mountain Peaks Counseling is staffed with therapists who are committed to providing quality individual, marital, and family therapy and medication management. 

Mountain Peaks Webpage

Phone: (801) 960-1620

750 N. Freedom Blvd.
Provo, UT 84601

Nursing Home and Assisted Living Outreach Services provide mental health services to individuals in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living settings. We offer these services as a convenience for clients to help overcome barriers to receiving services in one of our Family Clinics, such as mobility challenges. Outreach services also assist facility staff in effectively helping clients to manage successfully in the least restrictive setting possible.

This is a referral-based program. See the webpage for more details.

Nursing Home, Assisted Living & PASRR Website

Phone: (801) 373 – 9656

750 N. Freedom Blvd. 
Provo, UT 84601

The PREP Team (Prevention and Recovery from Early Psychosis) provides support for individuals experiencing their first episode of psychosis or who are at high risk of developing psychosis between the ages of 13-26. PREP provides a coordinated specialty care treatment model to provide supportive services for clients, including case management, medication management, therapy, family education/support, and employment or education support.

PREP webpage

Phone Number: (801) 960 – 1625

South Provo Clinic
Suite 200
580 East 600 South
Provo, UT 84606

Psychological Assessment Services provides psychological testing to assist in the process of diagnosis and treatment planning.  Testing and interpretation is performed by staff psychologists, psychology residents, and doctoral level psychology interns.  This service is primarily used by medical staff and therapists seeking objective information regarding a client’s condition and prognosis.  WBH has a designated testing center that coordinates resources and scheduling for the testing that takes place center-wide.

We conduct a wide range of psychological and neuropsychological testing, including testing to determine your diagnosis and/or your treatment needs.  We commonly test for such conditions as:  mood disorders, anxiety disorders, dementia, cognitive functioning, etc.

Psychological Assessment Services 

Phone: (801) 852 – 1422

750 N. Freedom Blvd. 
Provo, UT 84601

The South Provo Clinic is located on the South Provo Campus in Provo. It is a program that focuses on adults with mental illness who may need more assistance in the community accessing resources and managing day-to-day functions such as shopping, arranging medical, dental and eye appointments etc. We offer therapy, psychiatric care with nursing services and medication management along with a heavy case management model. We also work closely with the housing authorities in the area and we have a specific focus on assisting clients in housing needs.

South Provo Clinic Website

Phone: (801) 373 – 7443

South Provo Clinic
Suite 200
580 East 600 South
Provo, UT 84606

Wasatch House, an accredited Clubhouse program, offers a strengths-based approach where treatment, vocational training, and support are provided to individuals to help them to regain social skills, vocational skills, and psychiatric stability. Recovery through work is a core philosophy of the Clubhouse model.

Wasatch House Webpage

Phone: (801) 373 – 7440

605 E 600 S
Provo, UT 84606

The WATCH program is an outreach and treatment program for individuals who are homeless and have a serious mental illness.  The WATCH program is co-located with the Food and Care Coalition to provide convenient access to a wide variety of services for the homeless population of Utah County.

Phone: (801) 852-3779

WATCH Webpage

299 E. 900 S.
Provo UT 84606

Other Information

If you are trying to change your appointment, or have questions that need an urgent answer, please call us at (801) 852 -4760 rather than email us. Please be patient with us as an email response may take 5 – 10 business days to respond to. Thank you.

WBH Logo – Square Crop

A public comprehensive behavioral health center providing a variety of services designed to meet the needs of children, youth, adults, and their families.

Get In Touch

750 North Freedom Blvd.
Provo, Utah 84601

Utah County Phone:
(801) 373-4760

Wasatch County Phone:
(435) 654 – 3003

Main Administration Hours:
Mon-Fri 8:00AM – 5:00PM