The focus of the Wasatch Behavioral Health UA Lab (Urinalysis) is to assist you as you progress through your individualized Recovery Plan. At the lab, we perform drug screening primarily through an immunoassay technique. This process assists our therapists and case managers in providing you with the best possible treatment.
Phone: (385) 268-5041
255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058
Utah County Individuals accessing any Wasatch Behavioral Health-funded substance use treatment service must complete an intake assessment at the Utah County Health and Justice Building. Assessments for treatment services for adults are on a walk-in first-come-first-served basis. We do not schedule appointments for assessments for adults.
Phone: (385) 268-5000
COR provides methadone (a Medication- Treatment method to block the narcotic effects of all opioids and reduce opioid cravings & withdrawal symptoms) dispensing for WBH clients.
Phone: (385) 268- 5050
255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058
Foothill Treatment Residential Center is a residential facility which offers co-ed treatment, as well as separate gender groups to address their unique treatment needs. Detoxification treatment and self-help groups are provided in a live-in, safe environment.
Phone: (385) 268 – 5070
3281 N. Main Street
Spanish Fork, Utah 84660
There is a variety of programs that we operate in conjunction with the correctional & court system. These programs include:
– 90 Day On Unit Treatment (OUT) program at the Utah County Jail
– Jail Transition Program
– Adult Drug Court & DORA
– Utah County Alternative Probation (UCAP)
Phone: (385) 268- 5000
Location: Various locations, but a central address is:
255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058
Men’s Outpatient services include individual and group therapies, skills development, and case management services for practical problems of sober living.
General Outpatient treatment is 1 to 8 hours per week.
Intensive Outpatient treatment is 9-20 hours per week. We use a variety of curricula, including: Seeking Safety, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Smoking Cessation classes and Connections
Phone: (385) 268- 5042
255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058
The “Women of Promise” Program addresses specific needs such as childcare, primary healthcare, transportation, housing, education, and employment, along with gender-specific treatment. Research shows that women with children do better in treatment if they bring their children with them.
Phone: (385) 268- 5080
290 E. 930 S.
Orem, Utah 84058
Provides outpatient services to help prevent and reduce harmful effects of substance use among the youth in Utah County.
The Youth Outpatient Program provides services to those ages 14-18 and still in high school.
The Young Adult Program (YAP) provides services to those ages 18+ and out of high school.
Phone: (385) 268 – 5042
255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, Utah 84058
Intensive Residential Treatment (IRT) offers adult residential care and treatment to help individuals with chronic mental illnesses by providing resources, services, and opportunities as an alternative to hospitalization. An array of services are provided, including: assessment, individual therapy, assistance and development of daily living skills, case management, and medication management. Nursing staff are available around the clock and prescribers are available on-site weekly and on-call 24 hours a day.
Phone: (801) 852-3320
Medications for Addiction treatment (MAT) is the use of medications and should be used in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies for the treatment of substance use disorders. MAT provides a “whole-patient” approach to treat addiction. MAT can help to reestablish normal brain function, reduce substance cravings and prevent relapse. The longer in treatment, the more the individual will be able to manage their dependency and move toward recovery.
Phone: (385) 268-5024
255 South Orem Blvd.
Orem, UT 84058