Transitional Employment (Companies)

“I like knowing I’ve been picked to go on the job.  It makes me feel like I’m capable again”.

a Wasatch House member

Transitional Employment is a highly structured program for Clubhouse members returning to work in a local business or industry and is an important part of the Wasatch House program.

Transitional Employment is designed as a vocational rehabilitation program where a member can gain or regain the skills and confidence necessary to have a job while employed in a “real world” position.  The only requirement for the member to participate in Transitional Employment is the expressed desire to work.

Finding Transitional Employment opportunities for members wanting to return to work is a priority for Wasatch House employees.

Please contact Wasatch House (801) 373-7440 for more information about Transitional Employment placement possibilities at your business.


Information for Employers:

Placements are at the employers’ place of business and are part-time (generally 15 to 20 hours per week).  The member is paid directly by the employer.

Clubhouse staff provide both on-the-job training and off-site support to the member to help them to be successful on the job.  The employer will train Clubhouse staff member(s) to do the job and then the Clubhouse staff member will train the member themselves and will stay on the job with that member until they are comfortable working on their own.  The employer is not responsible for training the member.

Placements generally last from six to nine months.  Members may then work at another transitional placement or if they are ready, they can move on to independent employment.  The Clubhouse will appoint another member to take over the job placement and provide training to the new member.

Typically, more than one member will be trained to do the job to ensure coverage of the placement if there is an absence for any reason.  The clubhouse staff may also cover the position when needed to ensure that the job is always taken care of.

Developing a Transitional Employment placement means that there is permanent coverage for sometimes high-turnover positions.  When an employer gives a position to the Clubhouse, they will never have to worry about filling that spot again.

The employer does not need to provide any benefits for the position.  Most of our members already receive medical coverage.


Wasatch House also helps members to obtain Supported Employment and Permanent Employment positions.  Call for more information about these employment programs.

(801) 373-7440